Bluenox Truck on road


What is BlueNox?

BlueNox is Diesel Exhaust Fluid used in the latest generation of diesel powered fleets of vehicles needing to meets Euro IV and Euro V Emission Standards with Euro V being implemented in 2013. BlueNox is pale blue in colour, non toxic, non explosive and non flamable.

How does BlueNox work?

BlueNox is stored in a separate tank on trucks equipped with SCR technology. It is sprayed in metered doses into the exhaust stream of the vehicle. BlueNox reacts with the exhaust gases from the engine and helps to convert oxide of nitrogen emissions into harmless gas and water vapour.

How much BlueNox is required?

Approximately 2-4% of BlueNox to your total diesel fuel is used. A truck fitted with a 200L BlueNox tank can travel up to 5,000km before having to refill the BlueNox. Usage will vary depending on the type of truck and the driving conditions.

What happens if the tank runs out of BlueNox?

There are indicators on the dashboard, as with fuel, to alert the driver when levels of BlueNox are low. If the tank does run out it will NOT cause the engine to shut down or be unable to restart. As a result of an empty tank, the engine horsepower will de-rate and the engine will continue to run, only at a reduced capacity. The tank should be refilled with BlueNox as soon as possible.

Is contamination important?

Yes. Contamination can plug the input of fluid into the catalyst chamber and lead to compromised performance and even failure which means expensive repair costs. BlueNox is manufactured locally in Australia adhering to stringent manufacturing and quality control processes.

Can I make the fluid myself?

It is not advised to make the fluid yourself. The process by which the fluid is mixed is very specific. The on board systems know if the fluid is out of specification or if there is any contamination. This can also affect your OEM warranty for your vehicle.

What is the shelf life of BlueNox?

The shelf life of BlueNox should last for up to 12 months as long as it is stored in the correct manner. BlueNox should not be left in direct sunlight , and should not be stored in temperatures over 30oC or under –11oC.

What is the difference between Adblue® and BlueNox?

Adblue®, Diesel Exhaust Fluid and BlueNox are all a water and urea solution that is manufactured to ISO 22241. They are added to the exhaust gases in the SCR After Treatment System to transform them into harmless water and nitrogen. Adblue® is the trading name known throughout Europe, while Diesel Exhaust Fluid is used in the USA for the same product.

What standards does BlueNox meet?

BlueNox is manufactured to International Standard ISO 22241 for Diesel Exhaust Fluid/ Adblue®. (*Adblue® is a registered trademark of the Verband der Automobilindustrie (VDA))

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